Tuesday, December 16, 2008

When the right one walks out of the door

Possibly it was a lesson every child had to learn, or possibly a lesson every teacher had to teach. In either case it came to this.
As we all stood up the teacher entered with a bunch of wooden sticks and put them on her desk. She went on to hand over a stick to each bench. None of my benchmates seemed to know what to do with it. I looked around, everyone seemed to be turning their sticks around, passing them back and forth. Evidently none of us did.
After she was done handing the sticks the teacher walked up to the front and with a satisfied smile on her face said,"Try to break the stick children."
Snaps were heard all around.
"Good", she said as she proceeded to bind the rest of the sticks into a bundle. "Now try to break this", said she as she passed it to the first bench.They couldn't. Then she smiled and passed it on the second bench. Of course they couldn't either. After everyone in the class had failed to break the bundle she asked,"What do you learn from this, children?"
We all looked at each other not sure what to say. The promptness with which she answered her own question however saved us from more queasy moments, "In unity lies strength!!! children, In Unity".
I forget his name, but he was a usually silent boy. He raised his hand and said,"How about "It is only the weak who seek strength in numbers", madam?"

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